
Started by thetrusteeco, May 20, 2013, 01:37:09 AM


I just thought I'd let everyone know that is working on a few HostBill modules (as per my, and maybe your, request).

I am not affiliated with them other than being thier customer for "DNS Manager" and "cPanel Extended for WHMCS" but I am very impressed with what they do for WHMCS, I want them developing more for HostBill!

Note: I think these guys are also in Poland, but they do talk to their customers and are very interested in what people think of their code.  If Kris teamed up with them and just focused on code I think HostBill would be the dominant billing system in a year (WHMCS is struggling).

Under Development:
DirectAdmin Extended for HostBill:.
It would be the same as the "DirectAdmin Extended for WHMCS" module.  Generally like Simple Hosting (cPanel) is currently in HostBill. Forum Posting.

Extended Reseller for HostBill (and WHMCS):.
This is something I requested, a product similar to Web-Expert's module.  Kris had recently lost my confidence so I actually only requested the WHMCS version but they're making both! Forum posting.

Under Consideration:
DNS Manager for HostBill:.
This is something I requested, and wasn't the first. Forum posting.
Background: I find the HostBill DNS manager (PowerDNS, cPanel, etc) is confusing for the customer unless we are marketing DNS to them and charging extra.  I just want a drop-in free for our customer DNS module so the customer can use our DNS servers.  We played with all the option in the HB DNS manger, but it just seemed confusing no matter what we did.
"No man really becomes a fool until he stops asking questions"
Charles Proteus Steinmetz


Between this and the Vasicka post HERE, I think this is wonderful information!

In the case of this developer, I'm especially interested in the DNS Manager. Hostbill's kinda sucks and my old one from over ten years ago isn't integrated with anything and it's written in Perl.

We need to get these people over here monitoring the activities here!

Great resource @thetrusteeco  8)

Kindest regards,
Bradley D. Thornton - Manager Network Services, NorthTech Computer   TEL: +1.310.388.9469 (US) | +44.203.318.2755 (UK) | +61.390.088.072 (AU) | +41.43.508.05.10 (CH)
Registered Linux User #190795 - "Ask Bill why the string in [MS-DOS] function 9 is terminated by a dollar sign. Ask him, because he can't answer. Only I know that." - Dr. Gary Kildall.


I would like to seem them develop a VMware vCloud Director and VMware 5 module.  VMware 5 module should be able to provision on multiple hosts (dependent on HA environment of VMware), stop, start, restart VM's.

vCloud Director would be the best option including duplicating or bringing in the vCloud Director Management portal that the end user admin uses.



Cool, thanks for actually posting links to the forum posts.  Kudos
Patrick - Forum Rules
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein


Quote from: UCG_Keith on May 20, 2013, 04:47:01 PMI would like to seem them develop a VMware vCloud Director and VMware 5 module.

+1 on that!

BTW, kewl avatar/logo Keith :)

Kindest regards,
Bradley D. Thornton - Manager Network Services, NorthTech Computer   TEL: +1.310.388.9469 (US) | +44.203.318.2755 (UK) | +61.390.088.072 (AU) | +41.43.508.05.10 (CH)
Registered Linux User #190795 - "Ask Bill why the string in [MS-DOS] function 9 is terminated by a dollar sign. Ask him, because he can't answer. Only I know that." - Dr. Gary Kildall.


Hey UCG_Keith,

+1 on your cool logo!

I'll pass on your request.  They are very receptive to new product ideas.  However, they don't (IMO) release stuff rapidly and untested.  If you want it quicker, ask them for a customer development quote.  They can put everything they're working on on hold, because they don't have a bunch of bugs to fix.

I know they've already finished some WHMCS modules that they are testing for another month before they release them.  I think you'll find that the regular HostBill app releases will also be "slow" compared to KBKP, but once release it should work 100%!  (Kris codes at an exception rate, he needs people to alpha and beta test his code before he releases it though.)

My point: Don't expect something next week, unless it's a custom job and they say next week.  Also if you buy their software they are usually willing to tweak things too.
"No man really becomes a fool until he stops asking questions"
Charles Proteus Steinmetz


I wish I made the logo, but it was one of the guys in our Dev/Design Dept. I like it too.

Thanks for the update regarding VMware plugin.  If we want to begin a dialog with them for the development of VMware 5 and vCloud Director; our company is willing to provide the DEV infrastructure for development/testing. 



I've invited them to join and discuss it.  We'll see what happens.
"No man really becomes a fool until he stops asking questions"
Charles Proteus Steinmetz


Well it's good business sense to come discuss it here so i'm sure they'll eventually be here.
Patrick - Forum Rules
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein


Thank you for mentioning about us. We are happy to hear that you are satisfied with level of our services.

Currently we are planning to release:

  • Zimbra For HostBill
  • DirectAdmin For HostBill
  • Advanced Reseller For WHMCS/HostBill
Once we will release module or two from that list and we will see the customers reactions, we will think about developing more modules for HostBill.
We are open for any ideas and suggestions guys!


Quote from: ModulesGarden on May 22, 2013, 09:39:01 AM
Thank you for mentioning about us. We are happy to hear that you are satisfied with level of our services.

Currently we are planning to release:

  • Zimbra For HostBill
  • DirectAdmin For HostBill
  • Advanced Reseller For WHMCS/HostBill
Once we will release module or two from that list and we will see the customers reactions, we will think about developing more modules for HostBill.
We are open for any ideas and suggestions guys!

Well you have a community here and most of us have hostbill installations if not all of us right now.  So great beta testers as you develop.
Patrick - Forum Rules
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein


Quote from: ModulesGarden on May 22, 2013, 09:39:01 AM
Currently we are planning to release:

  • Zimbra For HostBill

LOL. I never liked Zimbra. having said that, I install it all the time for customers coz it's easy and it works great! I hope that module is affordable because I'm very interested in offering that for my customers :)

I know one thing that a lot of us are chomping at the bit for, and that's reliable VMware support, and being able to provide a console for our customers would be wonderful!

Finally, for all you fellow Heavy Metal Heroes out there, I'll leave you with this (two brownie points if you can tell me what's wrong with the picture too!):

Kindest regards,
Bradley D. Thornton - Manager Network Services, NorthTech Computer   TEL: +1.310.388.9469 (US) | +44.203.318.2755 (UK) | +61.390.088.072 (AU) | +41.43.508.05.10 (CH)
Registered Linux User #190795 - "Ask Bill why the string in [MS-DOS] function 9 is terminated by a dollar sign. Ask him, because he can't answer. Only I know that." - Dr. Gary Kildall.


Quote from: ModulesGarden on May 22, 2013, 09:39:01 AM
Currently we are planning to release:

  • Zimbra For HostBill
  • DirectAdmin For HostBill
  • Advanced Reseller For WHMCS/HostBill
Once we will release module or two from that list and we will see the customers reactions, we will think about developing more modules for HostBill.
We are open for any ideas and suggestions guys!

I am interested in more information about the Advanced Reseller For HostBill. Feel free to post in the developer section regarding this, it sounds interesting from the title alone. (Sorry if I've gone a bit off topic here)
Skype: sociallarry | AIM: [email][/email] | Forum Rules & Information

These forums are hosted by me with no intentions to ever monetize them. These forums are here solely for the benfit of the HostBill community.


Quote from: Lawrence on May 22, 2013, 10:35:01 PM
I am interested in more information about the Advanced Reseller For HostBill. Feel free to post in the developer section regarding this, it sounds interesting from the title alone. (Sorry if I've gone a bit off topic here)

+1 to this.  I'd also like to hear more about it.  I'd love to see more functionality added for our resellers.
Patrick - Forum Rules
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein


Hey Guys, as I was the one that originally requested this module at ModulesGarden let me re-post some relevant bits from the forum:

(Warning: the following contains many references to WHMCS, which I also run.)

1st May 2013 ( - My account in their forum):
...I'd like to suggest an idea for a module for future consideration. A Domain Reseller module, similar to the one offered by at:

...The reason I am suggesting this is because I'd love to have a module like the one described, that works seamlessly with DNS Manager for WHMCS.

Nuts and Bolts of the module:
"The WHMCS Domain Seller is an automatic Domain Reseller System that allows the "communication" with two or more WHMCS." (Quoted from their site)

It allows you to provide a WHMCS module to other WHMCS owners so they can resell domains from your website. IMO it is ideal for smaller resellers operating in countries where it is difficult to find a mainstream reseller for the local TLD. Obviously it would be of little interest to many WHMCS users, but my company has many African clients, and we plan on expanding our lineup of African TLDs...

I'll skipped Piotr's (from ModulesGarden) reply 13 hours later asking if anyone else would be interested, a couple of +1s, and another post of mine in a different thread about HostBill modules (specifically DNS Manager for HostBill - if they get enough interest they'll make it, so if you're interested, let them know.)

8th May 2013 (Konrad - from ModulesGarden):
Big thanks for your feedback.
I have good news for you - we are going to release a new module "Advanced Reseller" module for WHMCS/HostBill that will cover:
- Domain Reselling
- Hosting Accounts Reselling (for specific modules, definitely cPanel/Rackspace/
- API documentation
- 3rd Party module for WHMCS/HostBill that can be provided to your resellers

We are going to release it within 2-3 months...

Someone there asked about DirectAdmin and the reply was interesting:
8th May 2013 (Konrad - from ModulesGarden):
...In the first release, we do plan to make a "Universal Provisioning Module" that will handle most common modules that use only basic functions (create,terminate,suspend,unsuspend...). This will definitely support the cPanel,DirectAdmin,Plesk modules as this is our primary objective here

Someone else asked about which domain functions will be supported; the reply:
10th May 2013 (Konrad - from ModulesGarden):
Generally, it should support all the Domain Modules, as all have the same standards:
- same parameters
- same function names
- same responses

The only problem will be provisioning modules, that for the most specific functionality (except create/terminate) will require integration for the other functions.

Right now its just a plan, but stay tuned as this will be definitely released within next months!
"No man really becomes a fool until he stops asking questions"
Charles Proteus Steinmetz