Is HostBill Forums struggling?

Started by BRJP, May 02, 2014, 06:57:45 AM



I am a new member so unsure about history, but this forum seems to have low activity.

Has this always been the way or has something occurred recently? Posts and activity seem to be very few and far between at the moment.
Kind regards,
Bradley Porter
Find out more about SaneChoice Services at:


People are here just not many that are able to help. Some have moved to other billing software and no longer use hostbill. Not much to talk about as most of the issues have been resolved and the ones that are not no one has put a post on it or instead used hostbill ticketing systems and payed for the fix.
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Kind regards,
Bradley Porter
Find out more about SaneChoice Services at:


everyone struggles in any field its what people make of it that matters. Some are here to help other just to blast a product or spam. I hope hostbill stays around but they need to change the way some things work and to communicate better with clients. Always have an exit strategy in place incase that is the best and safest knowledge I can give.
Enterprise Vps Solutions (VPS) - Cloud Solutions, Shared hosting, VPS , and more, Fast Dedicated Servers. Great ssl prices SSL Certs, Follow us on Twitter. Sales Question? Contact us! Send us a Request Tampa , Florida Hivelocity Datacenter


Quote from: Enterprisevpssolutions on May 03, 2014, 02:56:08 AM
I hope hostbill stays around but they need to change the way some things work and to communicate better with clients.

You are indeed right.  We will also do what we can to support the community.  Contrast to some other members views, we have a great affection for HostBill.  We want it to develop and stay around as we think its a great platform - even with the issues highlighted by others.

Viva La HostBill!
Kind regards,
Bradley Porter
Find out more about SaneChoice Services at:


HostBill Forums isn't struggling, just don't have a lot of time lately. When I'm done with my projects, I'll be more active here myself. I'm sure other mods are busy / moved on / have other interests. It's life! I never intend for these forums to be popular, just a place for people to get info / help.
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These forums are hosted by me with no intentions to ever monetize them. These forums are here solely for the benfit of the HostBill community.


Work and kids for me.  Hoping to dedicate some more time here personally.  These forums were pretty lively at one point.  I still believe HB is the best available option. 
Patrick - Forum Rules
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein


In most of our cases, even with all the troubles of the past, HostBill is still the best choice.
Skype: sociallarry | AIM: [email][/email] | Forum Rules & Information

These forums are hosted by me with no intentions to ever monetize them. These forums are here solely for the benfit of the HostBill community.


I do agree with you and Patricks comments.  We have had to work around it a bit but our client offering is now so much stronger and still remains cheaper then having to create this functionality from scratch.  Our clients are really pleased with it as well.
Kind regards,
Bradley Porter
Find out more about SaneChoice Services at:


If it's any consolation, all inactive / spam accounts have just been purged. ;)
Skype: sociallarry | AIM: [email][/email] | Forum Rules & Information

These forums are hosted by me with no intentions to ever monetize them. These forums are here solely for the benfit of the HostBill community.


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It feels good to be cleansed of the dead wood!
Kind regards,
Bradley Porter
Find out more about SaneChoice Services at:


Yeah, and there have been no spam bot registrations today, there're usually 20-30 a day haha. Updating the questions did the trick, seems like the bots had the answers saved. I'll update them every so often whenever one gets through.
Skype: sociallarry | AIM: [email][/email] | Forum Rules & Information

These forums are hosted by me with no intentions to ever monetize them. These forums are here solely for the benfit of the HostBill community.