Dedicated Server Module

Started by marky96, March 15, 2017, 04:32:34 AM


It would be great to have dedicated server modules for customers to reboot, monitor, reinstall for



OVH and Kimsufi are the same company and have (or at least used to have) the same API.
If you want to submit a feature request or ask for a quote, you need to contact the vendor directly, not write in this forum - but it probably will be expensive.

If you have solid PHP coding skills, it's not too hard to add this feature through a few hoops though. I assume you are using "manualdedicated" which does not support widgets, so you have to use "custom link" in the product's "client functions" and redirect to a page such as "restart_server.php" with the server's username as GET parameter.
You can use Hostbill's session classes there to verify that the user is actually logged in and has access to that server, and then run the provider's API. I posted a list of classes and class methods a while back in this forum.
