Help with a purchase HostBill robbed me

Started by Zona-Gamer, December 15, 2014, 07:24:28 PM


Hello everyone, I am new to HostBill, 3 days ago acquired a lite license HostBill, after 3 days trying to contact them for me deducted VAT, did not answer a single email. I prepared to pay the full license that was 97 dollars when I was making the payment HostBill I delete my account and my bill without notice no ads to my email.

I'm sick of the media so that future customers do not care, which feed him bread every day.

Here buy my license I an now robbed them and want to recover, alguein know how? that even an eliminated from your web-lite license.

I also would be worth someone who bought a lite license and not want I'm willing to buy lite license ase removed shortly.

Here the evidence

Here's proof that the avia hired from their website, and today ivam to pay VAT because they did not answer, but sguramente with saw we were paying it, the canceled without further

Proforma Invoice # 13523
STATUS: unpaid
DEADLINE: 12/12/2014
CREATE IN: 12/12/2014.

Payment method:
PayPal, credit card, electronic check

articles Invoice
Licenses HostBill - HostBill Lite $ 97.17 USD
-------------------------------------------------- ----

This message is automatically generated, please do not answer it directly

I feel cheated by HostBill


Your English is a bit off, did you use a translator?

Maybe there's an issue with the transaction. It might have been considered high risk and is still pending. Alternatively there's a chance it got overlooked.

Sorry to hear you're having troubles. Hope you get it resolved soon. Not sure though what type of help you're looking for, it's hard to understand.
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These forums are hosted by me with no intentions to ever monetize them. These forums are here solely for the benfit of the HostBill community.


my problem is simple HostBill HostBill up by a license lite and me I deleted my account when we were paying the license and now I have no license or account HostBill am claiming that


 >:( >:( >:(

good morning, this post is for workers carrying HostBill first you have little disrespectful with prospective customers or existing customers and this bill will pass in the near future, when tengais to lower the price increases license of your panels for abuse, because that is an abuse 999 dollars a simple license of a client area HostBill, eliminais accounts created as mine without cause, boy to devote all my time and dedication bad support provided at all times to me, I'm sick of people like you

It is the second time I removed my own, new or old, unanswered in more than 72 hours over 3 tiked sent a bad touch like the one you have, I hope that once the smart people realize and tengais to go you behind customer

Da shame a company like HostBill managed by unqualified persons in the sector and treatment of clients.

buenos dias, este post es para los trabajadores que llevan hostbill en primer lugar teneis poca falta de respeto con los futuros clientes o clientes actuales y eso os pasara factura en un futuro proximo, cuando tengais que bajar las subidas de precio de licencias de vuestros paneles, por abuso, por que eso es un abuso 999 dolares una licencia simple de un area cliente como hostbill, eliminais las cuentas creadas como la mia sin motivo alguno, boy a dedicar todo mi tiempo y dedicacion   mal soporte prestado en todo momento hacia mi, estoy arto de personas como vosotros

Es la segunda vez que eliminan mi cuenta, nuevas o viejas, sin contestacion en mas de 72 horas mas de 3 tiked enviados, un contacto malo como el que teneis, espero que alguna vez las personas inteligente se den cuenta y tengais que ir vosotros detras de los clientes

Da verguenza una empresa como hostbill gestionado por personas no cualificadas en el sector y tratos de clientes.


This is not a surprise.  The hostbill vendor is a dishonest and untrustworthy crook.  He has no problem stealing from his customers.  He stole from me, too.

If you just purchased something from Hostbill, there here is what you should do:

1. Try to contact Hostbill using the methods on their website.  Call their phone. Send them an email, etc.

2.  If they do not contact you with a suitable response you are happy with, then contact your credit card bank and request a chargeback of the transaction.  Tell your bank it was fraud, and the seller has stolen your money. You have tried honestly to contact the seller for a refund, but they are ignoring you.

Good luck!


thanks friend and and I answered, pay 97 dollars through paypal and conntactado with them millions of times every contact they have, but only ahcen delete my account created in HostBill, but I have everything with photos, and everything saved, I dislike this when trust and HostBill like my cart but e tested whcms and modify my taste and I'm very happy, it does not stay on if boy to move everything to denounce

thanks friend


If you paid by paypal, then you can create a dispute for the paypal transaction within your paypal account.  Paypal will refund your money if you tell them that the product was not received.



Lo que te dicen es que abras una disputa en Paypal para recuperar tu dinero (Si es que pagaste)

Igualmente, te recomiendo buscar las palabras que Google no traduce por ti para hacerle la vida más fácil al resto.

Thanks :)


Quote from: Nicman on December 16, 2014, 09:56:42 PM

Lo que te dicen es que abras una disputa en Paypal para recuperar tu dinero (Si es que pagaste)

Igualmente, te recomiendo buscar las palabras que Google no traduce por ti para hacerle la vida más fácil al resto.

Thanks :)

Try using Google Translate.